
M.A.S.S. Builder, A Fully Customizable Mecha Action Game

Created by sekaiproject

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Latest Updates from Our Project:

WIP Update: EMP Mines incoming
over 5 years ago – Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 08:09:32 PM

So, it's been 2 weeks and we've back at it with our short update! We've been reading more and more feedbacks and ideas from everyone who's tested the game in every social media and there's one thing that's mentioned by various people is that, there needed to be something more than just running around destroying Quarks or other enemies.

It was always in our plan to create more mechanics than just that, but we haven't had enough time to work on them all. We revisited all of our level designs and worked on each of them to create something more than it was before. Here is a preview of an EMP mine that will work against the player. They'll shut down your M.A.S.S. for a few seconds if you're in their area of destruction.

Well, we do hope you guys like it, and if you have anything else you'd like to tell us or suggest to us, we'll be more than welcome to read them all, especially from the discord! See you again soon!

Short update: We're improving on graphics options!
over 5 years ago – Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 12:10:10 AM

Hello! We are back this week with some updates to our graphics. Here's a small WIP on its progress, with More Rendering Effect, Light Shaft, Motion Blur, and Volumetric Fog, as well as the options to turn them off.

WIP Update: Express Harrier Model (Update #22)
over 5 years ago – Sat, Jun 01, 2019 at 11:06:20 PM

Hello! Back to another WIP update. Today, we're showing you a model of an express harrier unit, a cargo transportation aircraft from the W.D.F. It is not only you and your M.A.S.S. or Quarks but there are also other factions and groups that live and fight in this world. They will mostly appear in missions and there are much more other machinery used by humanity in this times of peril. There will be missions where you will need to cooperate with them to complete your and their objectives.

WIP model of an express harrier
WIP model of an express harrier

WIP Update: Flying Boss Quark
over 5 years ago – Sat, May 25, 2019 at 09:40:43 PM

Hello everyone! Today, we have something that we've been working on to show you guys. It's a flying type boss Quark that you will be facing in one of our missions that we'll update in the upcoming Early Access build. While the image representing this one might look small, it's actually much larger and you will be facing a challenge dodging his attacks while getting up there to strike at his weaker parts.

3D Rendition
3D Rendition
Concept Art
Concept Art

Small update: Destructible objects, large things, a desert
over 5 years ago – Sat, May 18, 2019 at 03:19:17 AM

We're presenting to you a small update on our WIP systems and contents.

Shown here is a small sneak peak of a desert mission we're working on, trying to make it looked as great as possbile with desert winds, dust and sand all over. You'll also see there's this piece of object we've put together for you to test your weapons against it. This is a step in getting more and more out from some of your suggestions, we think it was someone saying that the map feels too... clean?

We're also trying to improve on the overall feeling of the world so expect more and more things to be added soon. We'll see you again in the next update! Or if you'd like to suggest or talk to us, we're always in the discord!