
M.A.S.S. Builder, A Fully Customizable Mecha Action Game

Created by sekaiproject

Help fund the development of M.A.S.S. Builder and get some great rewards as well!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We've unlocked the 2nd Stretch Goals!
almost 6 years ago – Mon, Apr 01, 2019 at 01:34:44 PM

It is almost unbelievable that we're able to reach stretch goals #2 within only a few days after the first one! Thanks you everyone's support, we will add into our plans and speed up our milestone to create more parts for you to play with, both armors and weapons as well!

We'll keep you up to date on the progress of these things soon!

Introducing video game music legend Chris Huelsbeck to M.A.S.S. Builder!
almost 6 years ago – Mon, Apr 01, 2019 at 01:02:41 PM

We have another huge surprise for you today, and man have we been excited to share this one with you! Everyone, please welcome video game music legend Chris Huelsbeck to M.A.S.S. Builder!

Huelsbeck is one of the most famous video game composers of all time, and well known for his work on the Turrican series, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Giana Sisters and more than 100 other games! With his trademark synth rock style and well crafted sound, we couldn’t have found a better fit for this game than Huelsbeck. As such, we are also excited to announce Huelsbeck will be composing the main theme for the game!

“It’s no secret robots and action is near and dear to my heart, and being able to work on an exciting project like M.A.S.S. Builder gets me really inspired. For this game, I’m ready to kick ass and blow your minds with something really awesome. Time to get busy!” – Chris Huelsbeck

Steam Demo now available! We also reached our first stretch goal!
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 01:08:15 PM

Good news everyone! Our demo has been approved onto the Steam Store! The Demo is of version 0.0.2 which we have fixed various bugs as well as introduced a graphics settings. The old demo is defaulted to "Very High" and that has caused some problems for some of you guys so these new settings available to you should fix it right. There is also an "Ultra" settings available so you guys that wanted better graphics, it's now available.

On another note, we have successfully reached the first stretch goal, Full Voice Over for our game! We can't thank you guys enough for helping us reach this goal and making the game better. For now, we'll have our design team finish up their work so we can start looking for potential voice actors. If there's any suggestions, feel free to leave it in our comments section and we'll discuss it with our publisher!

We have increased the amount of the limited pledge Design a Decal Tier
almost 6 years ago – Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 06:26:16 PM

As promised in the last update, we have increased the number of the limited pledge available. We will increase it by another 5 in 14 hours at Saturday 23rd of March 10.00 (UTC -7) which is Sunday 24th of March 02.00 in (UTC+9).